Experienced leadership

Coming from the corporate world, and with 21 years of IT experience, our MD Richard Davies led a team of over 30 staff across Europe, US and Africa delivering IT services to over 25,000 employees, rolling out multi-million pound projects & integrating systems to make cost effective solutions. Managing annual budgets in excess of £10,000,000 per year. Working on proposals and delivering solutions for key Clients like the UK MOD.


We firmly believe as a team that having good business ethics is absolutely key to building strong and long lasting relationships. 
We deliver on our promises, we honour our agreements, and will always be fair and stay on the right side of the law. We want to build our business alongside our clients, because we know that if we help in your growth and success, then that is where we also find ours.

Expert team

Unlike the IT firms of just one or two people, Compio has a team of dedicated IT personnel waiting to take your support issues and start working on them. Our SLA (Service Level Agreement) ensures we strive to deliver world-class service. Our team of experts pride themselves on their speed, accuracy and focus to find a resolution. We also incentivise our team uniquely in the industry so quality, volume and customer care are all measured equally.


Being part of our local communities is important to us and we do a lot of work with local schools and charities. 
We assisted at a business level to help a local pre-school remain open by helping them put a financial recovery plan together, and we still assist when required as an advisor to the new directors. We also provide time & resources to help support other local community projects and events.

Our Approach

It all starts with you. Although we are an IT Services provider, we try ur best not to hide behind our technology or jargon. We like face to face relationships with our clients and at an initial meeting with you we want to hear about you and your business, your future plans and your dreams, what currently works well and where you would like to see improvements, and we put together a plan with you using IT as a facilitator to work towards these goals, in the most efficient and cost effective way possible.

For us it’s all about the people, and we really care about getting our approach right, our clients tell us all the time that it’s one of the things they love most about us.

We’re all about the long term, we’re proud of the fact that nearly all of our business is through word of mouth, for us there is no greater tribute than a client recommending us to their own clients and business network

Meet The Team

Richard Davies
I have been interested in computing since I was 8 years old and my Dad brought home a Laptop which was the size of a briefcase he’d been given by his company to work on, and which he instantly gave to me and said “you can have this as I have no idea why I need it, they’ll never catch on”.

After working around the security which was preventing me from playing games, (yes -I was 8 years old!), I just never stopped seeking challenges and learning as much as possible.

Always believing that IT could be done better and with a healthy interest in the mechanics of business, I managed to move from an IT Support role, to Network Admin, to IT Supervisor, to IT Manager and eventually became Global IT Manager in a corporate firm by age 35. Frustrated that I couldn’t find quality, honest and reliable IT services companies I started Compio on just that ethos and work hard every day to ensure we as a team strive to achieve our goal of making IT work to facilitate your business success, not hinder it.

My special skills are: I’m a lateral thinker & I love to solve problems, but IT Security, Networking and Governance are my favourite areas, and even though I shouldn’t be doing the technical stuff I can’t help but get involved if I see the team working on interesting projects or challenges in these areas, well it is all about the team.

Tell us a little about you:

I live at the foot of the Chiltern hills with my wife, 2 children and our family dog.

We love to socialise with friends and family and get involved in community events,

We try to spend as much time as we can with the kids, and with football and cheerleading training we are kept busy at weekends but still like to find time for little adventures, we love to travel, and enjoy holidaying in Tenerife and America.

I love football (Lifelong Everton fan here!) I am also a bit of a movie buff, particularly Sci-Fi but also action / adventure, trips out to the Cinema with the family take up many a Sunday afternoon.

My Favourite movie quote is from Apollo 13 (1995), Gene Kranz: “Let’s work the problem people. Let’s not make things worse by guessing.”

Super power:

My Super power is not accepting everything at face value, I need to challenge and understand something before I accept it.  Just because it hasn’t been done before don’t mean it can’t be done or shouldn’t be done differently!

Emma Davies
I started up Compio with my Husband Richard in 2013, he likes to think he started on his own, he is wrong 😉 – behind every great man and all that!

IT wasn’t my first passion (I actually have a background in therapy and retail/sales before we had our children) but helping businesses and people is a passion and I love working for a Company that makes a difference and works to provide great value for others. I look after the smooth running of the accounts and renewals, and some of the Admin behind the scenes, making sure that services are renewed on time and our client’s services are maintained without disruption.

Tell us a bit about you:

I live in beautiful Buckinghamshire with my husband Richard, 2 children and our dog Rosy, a King Charles Cavalier. Outside of work I enjoy watching Movies, Pokémon hunting with the family, I love to Eat out, go to the gym and keep fit. I Spend a lot of time supporting our daughter’s Cheerleading team, as she trains with multiple squads it meant I was in the viewing area all the time so they gave me the job of ‘Team Mum’ which is great fun.

I enjoy photography and love meandering around Whipsnade zoo and Kew gardens with my camera.

Some of my special skills are:

– Great at researching unusual issues

– Photo editing

– Fixing the Kids Wi-Fi problems (I do charge them on a PAYG basis)

– The details!

A couple of random facts about me: – I once climbed to the summit of a volcano, I have also got a skill for sculpting hair into amazing works of art! (our daughter has long hair and lets me play)

Super powers

Super focused and attention to detail, I don’t let anything get passed me, (a great Mum skill to have too!) every renewal, purchase or invoice is checked, monitored and communicated, so you can relax knowing we are not going to drop the ball.

Sean De Haan
I’ve Worked in IT since 1992 (26 years!)

I started as an operator in Mainframes, in 1994 I moved to Networking, Desktop and application support.

In 2001 I made the move from South Africa to the UK and worked specialising in Project Management, Global networking, Virtualisation and Server/Desktop/Application support.

I worked alongside Richard our Compio MD in the Corporate firm prior to him starting Compio, where we travelled extensively around America, South Africa and Russia, we have a great working relationship and I was very happy to make the move & work with Richard in his own business and take that forward to help lots of businesses that required excellent standards and reliability.

Tell us a bit about yourself:

I’m the one with the South African accent you speak to! I live with my wife Lesley and dog Millie in Maidenhead.

I Enjoy Movies, model building, Theatre and ballet, Walks with the family, Holidaying by the Beach

A random fact about me:  I once Survived a hippo attack whilst fishing for Tiger fish on the Chobe river in Botswana.

Super power: Saving the world daily using my extensive skills acquired over a lifetime in IT

Alison Mathias
My background is in the creative arts originally but also spent lots of time in my career in customer services, sales and marketing, and have been self-employed since 2003. Richard asked me to help him build the Compio business before it officially launched, we agreed I’d work with him for 6 months to help Business networking and getting a strong client base going. I really believed in Richards strong vision, ethics and future plan for the company … and nearly 6 years later I’m still here! You’ll find me on the end of the phone helping potential new clients, or answering the non-technical questions of our current clients when I’m not out and about business networking and proudly waving the Compio flag.

Tell us a bit about yourself:

I live on the south Coast near Battle with my Husband, we have 2 children, one is locally at college and the other is studying at University, so we’re mostly kept company by our two spaniels, and two cats.

I love to cook and enjoy food and drink with friends and family, and am a part time professional photographer, if I’m not out and about with the dogs or eating something yummy then you’ll find me in my digital darkroom.

Random fact: I used to work in dentistry many years ago and have had my fingers in the mouths of many celebrities!

Super Power: People …. I really care, I don’t just want to know about your IT concerns, I want to know about what matters to you and what your dreams are because that’s where we can really get to work and make a difference, (I also make a mean G&T!)

Andy Dean
After attending Portsmouth University, I started off working in Finance and was involved in that industry for a few years before making the switch to IT in 2012, mainly in Project Management and general Server/Desktop/Application support.

My specials skills in IT are: PC Health Checks, PC Builds and Email Migration.

Tell us a bit about Yourself:

I live in High Wycombe with my wife Carla and outside of work I love Hiking, Dog Walks and Sports – mainly Boxing, Football and Golf – Sports I enjoy mostly as a spectator but I do play Football on Thursday nights and occasionally some Golf at the weekend when time and weather allows!

I also love Games Nights, and am a keen collector of vinyl records. When I started my vinyl collection, I bought what is probably my favourite all time album first: ‘I Am the Movie’ by Motion City Soundtrack

Random fact:

My beautiful wife Carla is from Chile and we love to travel there when we can, my favourite place there is La Serena where Carla’s originally from.

Super Power:

Speeding up a slow performing Windows operating systems!.

Alex Frost
After studying IT & Computing at college and receiving my diploma, I joined the Compio support team in 2018. I’ve enjoyed working with computers for as long as I can remember. By age 9 I had already broken several computers including my mum’s work laptop and Grandad’s PC, so I quickly learned how to fix them myself – have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.

Tell us a bit about you:

I live at home with my parents, brother and sister along with two dogs, two cats and one hamster.

I enjoy going on family holidays abroad (but like getting back to my PlayStation afterwards just as much). I love to play video games on both my computer and PS4 and watch lots of movies – however my favourite pastime is listening to music and discovering new artists to listen to.

A couple of random facts about me: I have designed and built my own website from HTML code to serve as a portfolio of my college work – also, myself and some college friends have designed and developed two small video games.

Super powers: Working well within a team, meaning I’m not afraid to ask questions when I need help and am willing to lend a hand, wherever and whenever I can.